"If you want to learn something, read about it.

If you want to understand something, write about it.

If you want to master something, teach it."

-Yogi Bhajan

Salutare! 👋

Sunt Lucian Ionescu, pasionat de marketing, automatizari, programare si digital in general. Pe acest site, vreau sa va impartasesc experienta mea in aceste domenii incepand din 2015.

Activitati profesionale curente:

  • CTO la agentia partener Premier Google Klikads.ro
  • CEO la Clevera.net - Automatizari pentru Google Ads ecommerce
  • Marketer pe 2performant.com sub username-ul klikads.ro - #5 Hall of Fame (400.000+ vanzari)
  • Mentor pe 2performant.com
  • Marketing afiliat ecommerce in Europa prin Google Comparison Shopping Services (CSS)




Just arguing with my keyboard and drinking too much coffee! ☕️😂
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